
Employee Spotlight: Joyce Morales

Our current employee spotlight features Joyce Morales, the Manager of Support Services and Client Success at Acorn. She has been a part of the Acorn team for over three years. Joyce holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Southeastern Massachusetts University and maintained her CPMSM certification with NAMSS from 1995 through 2018. Joyce’s extensive experience in Medical Staff Services and in Credentialing Software is an invaluable asset to Acorn’s clients. In her own words, “Having worked in a hospital as a Medical Staff Coordinator for 11 years and working with implementing credentialing software for over 20 years gives me the ability to connect with our clients as I have been in their shoes. I can assist them in successfully implementing Acorn software and advise them on best practices.”

“Developing great relationships with our clients and the Acorn team is especially rewarding.”

Joyce’s contributions to Acorn’s success have been many, but a few, in particular, stand out. She was instrumental in the design of the performance management tools that enable indicators and performance review profiles for OPPE/FPPE in the Acorn system. She also developed the implementation and training process for new clients, and she developed and maintains the training manuals for Acorn clients. In the future, she states, “I would like to continue to participate in enhancement development to increase the functionality for our clients and continue to facilitate client implementations.”

Joyce says what makes Acorn a unique place to work is “The people. Acorn feels like a family and my co-workers are supportive and recognize everyone’s value and contributions to our common goal to deliver the best products to our clients.” When asked what she likes about working at Acorn, she says, “I especially enjoy evaluating our client’s current processes and showing how Acorn can increase their productivity and efficiency. Developing great relationships with our clients and the Acorn team is especially rewarding.”

Joyce lives in Vero Beach, Florida, with her husband and their three cats, and says, “Our daughter is 27 and inherited our love of cats as she has 8 of her own.” When it comes to her interests, she says, “I like to paint in acrylics and play guitar. I have binge-watched ‘Supernatural’ all 15 seasons 3 times (don’t judge me).”

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