
By: Megan Paauwe, MBA-HM The Impact of Physician Burnout Physician burnout is an increasingly common phenomenon in the U.S. healthcare industry. According to the American...

By: Megan Paauwe, MBA-HM Introduction Health equity and access to care are two of the most important issues facing our society today. Health equity is...

By: Megan Paauwe, MBA-HM Donna Goestenkors, CPMSM, EMSP Medical Services and Credentialing Professionals have long been an essential part of the U.S. healthcare system. As...

By: Megan Paauwe, MBA-HM Joyce Morales Medical Services and Credentialing Professionals have long been an essential part of the U.S. healthcare system. As the landscape...

December 2, 2022 The Joint Commission recently announced that the requirements related to the time frame to evaluate licensed practitioners has changed from a period...

By: Megan Paauwe, MBA-HM Amy Campbell, CPCS Medical Services and Credentialing Professionals have long been an essential part of the U.S. healthcare system. As the...

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